Friday, May 8, 2009

I love you Connecticut but....(excuse me while I vent!)

  • Why do I have to go through three flights of stairs, two sets of doors just to get to my apartment?
  • No offense Chris and Kara, love you both, I know if you could have, you would have put us on the first floor. But not sure I like living on the third floor, with two kids and a dog? Especially when I go to the grocery store. No Thanks!
  • These apartments are beautiful, don't get me wrong, but they where built like some one only had a few hours to do so or was racing against some else to see who could get done first.
  • The fact that nails are coming up all around the apartment on all the edging of the carpet and poor Bailey has cut her foot open twice. And Boston has cut his hand as well! Don't get me started on how many times I have stepped on them. You would think I would remember to step over them but I don't, and want to yell out some awful word*! YIKES!
  • Don't worry I have called maintenance several times. I am sure they are sick of me! But what really gets me is I have to call some 1-800 number, tell them my life story, just so I can get some creepy guy to come upstairs and staple the carpet down. (How is that supposed to help!) Just to tell him I had one more problem, if he would not mind taking a look, only to tell me I have to call that stupid number again to report every single problem before it can get fixed!
  • Why can't the pool be opened already? Is it really that necessary to wait until memorial weekend? All there's left to do is heat the pool, does that really take a whole month?!
  • I don't know about you but I like a really good shower as in good water pressure! I think I am better off standing outside in the rain and getting more water pressure that way then getting slightly drizzled on in the shower!
  • Are apartment complex sits on this cute hill where all the sunshine in the world comes shinning in! The fact that we have no curtains (Hence the fact we will only be here for four months, not putting curtains on the list of things needed or wanted to bring.) wakes Boston up every morning at about quarter to six, who is now ready to start his day of adventures! Dave and I don't get much sleep anyways, whats the big deal with waking up at six every single morning! (With much Sarcasm!) Still on Utah time by the way!
  • Every morning I like to go over to our sliding glass window to see this spectacular view we have, to open the big sliding blinds to only have them come crashing down on us! Again, I wonder who won the race to finish first, wonder what the prize was, I hope it was worth it! (again, much more sarcasm!)
  • And why must the maintenance guy argue with me! Some people! Just cause I could not get the disposal to work, (Here we go again, calling 1-800 my life story and what can we fix today!) Waiting and waiting for mister creepy fix it guy, only waiting hoping he gets here while Dave is here, so I am not in the apartment alone with him. To find out that there was glass down the drain (reason for non-working disposal!) to yell at me and accuse me of putting in there. Then to tell me rice should not go down the disposal either! WHAT THE...who doesn't put rice down the disposal? Warning: some people just should not argue with me!!!
  • I love a good fire place! And would give anything to have one in Utah. But Dave and I must be really stupid, we can't find the darn switch to turn it off! So it's bright glow will attract Bailey all summer along with hopes of grabbing that pretty little flame some day! What a great little over achiever I have!
I hope all that knows me knows how GRATEFUL I am for all that the lord blesses my family with. I get to live in a beautiful state ever summer. To be a part of a new adventure with my wonderful husband and great kids! To see all the different parts of the country that the lord has created for us to enjoy. I am so grateful to have some awesome family members here to help me when Dave's not around, thanks to are incredible aunt Kara for watching my kids so I can take my groceries up to our apartment. To fill I can get in some exercise each day living on the third floor. To enjoy all the sun light and warmth it brings into our home. Even to the creepy maintenance guy who knows how to fix things, I would be at a loss. And how grateful I am to be the very first person to ever live in this apartment, with every thing all clean and brand new! But for now I will try to do my best to remember the words of one of my favorite apostles, "Come what may and love it!"- Jeffery R. Holland
Thanks to you all for listening to me vent, I feel much better now!


Kearl said...

Everybody needs a good venting once in a while. Derek just walked in the path of one of mine- poor guy.

erika @ life unfluffed said...


You are amazing, Brooke!